Join us on January 28 at 10am MST to celebrate Lonchenpa's Day! The parinirvana anniversary of great enlightened masters is regarded as a significant and particularly blessed day for serious Vajrayana practitioners. We will do the Ladrub Tigle Gyachen sadhana, including tsok. Bring delicious food and a beautiful shrine offering!

Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjam, or Drime Ozer was one of the most brilliant teachers of the Nyingma lineage. He systematized the Nyingma teachings in his ‘Seven Treasures’ and wrote extensively on Dzogchen. He transmitted the Longchen Nyingthig cycle of teachings and practice to Jigme Lingpa.

This year we may have the precious opportunity to welcome Passang Sherpa to OKL for this great celebration. Passang Lama is a member of Namdroling Monastery and a spiritual friend of Anyen Rinpoche. He currently lives in Taiwan where he serves Payul Orgyen Wosal Choling. We will provide more information about his visit as it is made available to us. Stay tuned!

For more information, please visit our calendar