Special Announcement: Rabjam Rinpoche to Visit Orgyen Khandroling This Fall

Save the Date for a very special visit from Rabjam Rinpoche on October 19th.
In 2019, many committed members of our sangha visited Nepal with Anyen Rinpoche and Allison to receive a month-long cycle of Longchen Nyingthig transmissions and empowerments from Rabjam Rinpoche. At that time, we requested that Rabjam Rinpoche visit us at Orgyen Khandroling Denver to turn the wheel of Secret Mantrayana and help our sangha root the dharma in the West. Due to his great kindness, he has granted that request and will be visiting us on October 19th, 2023. Anyen Rinpoche has requested that he bestow empowerments of Dilgo Khyentse's special lineage of Ladrub Tigle Gyachen and Mindroling Vajrasattva.
We will share more updates as the date draws near as to how you can be involved and support Rabjam Rinpoche's visit, the preparations for which have already begun. We are currently fundraising to renovate the shrineroom doorways. If you would like to make a donation to that project, please visit our Donorbox or contact sarah@orgyenkhandroling.org